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The information expressed on this Web Site is intended for informational purposes only and may not to be treated as any advice, invitation to treat or any other commercial offer, which should be given individually and with respect to a specific case. While we try to ensure that the information contained in this Web Site is accurate and up to date, The D’Albret Collection does not accept any liability as regards the correctness and/or completeness of such information. Moreover, The D’Albret Collection does not assume any responsibility for the content of sites that are linked to this Web Site. The D’Albret Collection reserves the copyright and all other rights relating to this Web Site. The content of this Web Site, including the pictures, may only be copied or used otherwise for private purposes.

Responsible for the content of this Web Site is The D’Albret Collection Association, a Swiss Association according to Art 60 ff. of the Swiss Code of Obligations, headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. Copyright 2022.